Salisbury Neighbourhood Plan Community Consultation

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News on Salisbury Neighbourhood Plan Community Consultation

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My feet are killing me and here's why....

I’m the chairman of the Salisbury Neighbourhood Plan steering group and I’ve spent hours over the last three days delivering leaflets in West Harnham telling people how they can have their say about the future of our community.

Every city councillor has been asked to ensure that no-one in their ward misses this unique opportunity to influence decision-making at Trowbridge.

Whatever our politics, we are all agreed that we want everyone to be included. We don’t want anyone complaining: “I didn’t know anything about this!”

This is YOUR chance to help decide policies about housing, green spaces, rivers and wildlife, health facilities, allotments, sports provision, clean air, climate change, better building design, transport …. all the things that can help make Salisbury an even nicer place to live, work and visit.

If you don’t like something, say so. Likewise if you do. We’ll digest what you’ve said and make any changes needed to reflect this. Eventually, we’ll hold a referendum.
It’s a long-winded process but if we get this Plan done, the law says Wiltshire Council will have to take it into account when it’s making decisions about our city.

And your city council will get a bigger share of the money developers pay towards facilities when they are given planning permission. That will help us to do more of the things YOU want.

It’s easy to take part in the survey. You can even do it on your phone.

Here’s the link  - HAVE YOUR SAY!

Posted on 6th September 2022

by Steering Group Chairman, Cllr Annie Riddle